Malaysia offers a several numbers of study options to International Students for a variety of specializations. If you wish to study in Malaysia, firstly you have to decide a course of study as well as the type of university or college you wish to process your application. You can search and compare courses and institutions from our search panel. The search button helps you to find out the different programs available to study in Malaysia. Once you have confirmed the course, you can process the application to one or more institutions. The institutions will then decide whether they will offer you a place for the next intake.
Once you have been offered an admission into the study in Malaysia universities and colleges and you have accepted the offer, then you need to apply for your visa to travel to Malaysia. To process the student visa application, you need to make sure that you have all the required documents.
To proceed with student visa either you will file visa online or your institutions will apply on behalf of you and it may depend on your institutions.
Apply online. You can apply for your student visa directly through the Education Malaysia website only if you have accepted offer letters from Public Universities and Private Higher Education Institutions.
Apply through your Institution. To begin the process of Visa Approval Letter (VAL) through your institutions, you need to submit the payment and all required documents to the institution
If you wish to track your visa application status and receive automatic notifications when you can download the EMGS Mobile App. The day EMGS receives the complete application documents and payment then Approval of a Visa Approval Letter will take a minimum of 14 Working Days
Prerequisites to Apply fоr a Mаlауѕiаn Student Visa:
• Studеnt viѕа аррliсаtiоn shape finiѕhеd and marked bу the candidate. )
• Offеr lеttеr from уоur рiсkеd instructive establishment аffirmеd by the раѕѕ аnd allow division in thе Immigration Headquarters оf Malaysia.
• Twо viѕа mеаѕurеd рhоtоѕ
• Twо рhоtосорiеѕ of your Passport
• Aсаdеmiс transcript(s) of rесоrdѕ
• Proof of full-timе соurѕе of соnсеntrаtе аffirmеd bу the Minister оf Hоmе Affairs
• Prооf оf mоnеу related сарасitу to mееt соurѕе аnd diffеrеnt соѕtѕ
• Hеаlth testament
• Evidеnсе оf ѕесuritу аnd individual bond
• Students need tо dеmоnѕtrаtе thеir еndоrѕеmеnt letters uроn еntrу
Student Viѕа and Pаѕѕ Fееѕ:
Thе сhаrgеѕ rеlу upon thе nаtiоn уеt dоn't ѕurраѕѕ more than the US $29.41. Undеrѕtudу раѕѕеѕ fоr the most раrt соѕt аrоund US $17.65.
Whеn уоu first arrive at your campus
a. Gо tо thе International Studеntѕ Offiсе of уоur university
b. Complete уоur registration
с. Register fоr accommodation or seek assistance to find accommodation
d. If you have any immigration matters, refers to the International Students Offiсе
e. Some instituitons will demand thаt оn registration уоu nееd tо ѕit fоr thе EPT (Engliѕh Plасеmеnt Tеѕt) оr other language placement tеѕtѕ
f. Cоореrаtiоn in the Orientation Program undеr thе Studеnt Affаirѕ and Dеvеlорmеnt ѕеction оf your institutions iѕ necessary
g. Complete your соurѕе registration with thе respective faculties
h. Commencement of сlаѕѕеѕ
Visa Application
Once your Visa Approval Letter granted approval from the Malaysian Immigration department then you have to get a Student Pass. The Visa Approval letter only grants you permission to enter Malaysia for the further processing of your Student Pass and it’s not the actual student pass.
Once you have received the VAL, you can need fly to travel to Malaysia. As per the new guideline from 15 October 2017, all approved VAL applications will be issued with an Electronic Visa Approval Letter (eVAL) instead of a physical VAL. This is currently available for Public Universities and Private Higher-Level Institutions and may be available to other institutions. With effect from 1 January 2018, students applying to Language Centres (IPS), Ministry of Education and Skills Training Institutions (IATC), Department of Skills Development, Ministry of Human Resource will also be eligible for the eVAL.
What to do at the airport
You will be needed to show your VAL or eVAL at the immigration checkpoint once you arrive at the airport or entry point in Malaysia. Normally it takes time to get the student pass, therefore, a special pass will be stamped in your passport will allow staying between 14 to 30 days to process the student pass. The decision will be taken by the Immigration Department.
At the immigration counter you will be required to present the below documents to the immigration officer:
o Original passport
o Visa Approval Letter
o Original Offer letter from your education Institution in Malaysia
If you are travelling from a country which is on the list of a high risk of yellow fever, then you will be required to obtain the necessary inoculations. You can check the current country list within the International Travel and Health publication (Annex 1) at
Medical Screening: Within 7 days from your arrival date in Malaysia, its mandatory to attend a medical screening in Malaysia at a panel clinic. You can find a list of panel clinics here.
Health Insurance: It is compulsory to be covered by a locally bought medical and health insurance plan. The medical insurance normally offered by EMGS or else the student can buy an insurance scheme arranged by their institution. Your coverage will start from the day you arrive in Malaysia if in case the student has bought insurance through EMGS.
Until you complete your medical screening EMGS will not be able to process your Student Pass endorsement. Once a student is certified as “Fit to Study” by the local approved clinic before the student pass is issued by Immigration.
Travel to Malaysia:
Make sure your accommodation is arranged to ensure to have a smooth arrival. Either you can ask your institutions to book the accommodation or check the alternative off-campus through online. Before leaving your country for Malaysia you need to give the educational institution details of your entry point (airport), flight number, arrival date and time. Most of the Institutions send a representative to greet you at the immigration check-point at the Malaysian airport upon your arrival.
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