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Academia Costume and Moda



AC Rating







Location : Italy ,Roma

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The Costume & Fashion Academy offers courses that are legally recognized by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research and belongs to the Higher Educational and Musical Arts Division .

The three-year Academic Diploma Course and the first-level Masters  provide credits and qualifications that enable the students of the Academy to be able to continue their studies, both nationally and internationally.

The Academy is also certified SGS and complies with the requirements of ISO 9001 / UNI EN 9001: 2008 for the purpose of designing and providing training courses for high-level training.

Taking as reference the criteria set out in Law 508/99 and following, and without prejudice to its institutional autonomy, the organization of the Academy is based on the principle of collaboration between tasks of management of training activities, research and artistic production and tasks of administrative management and to this end it is divided into: governing bodies and advisory bodies.

The governing bodies of the Academy, within their respective competences, define the objectives and programs to be implemented and verify the compliance of the management results with the general directives given. They are responsible for compliance with the Statute, Regulations and regulations in force, each within their respective competences. They are organs of government of the Academy:

(i) The Chairman 
(ii) The Deputy Chairman 
(iii) The Board of Directors 
(iv) The Chief Executive Officer 
(v) The Educational Director 
(vi) The Academic Board

The Academy's advisory bodies, within their respective competences, participate in the evaluation of the Academy's activities and contribute to the achievement of quality objectives. They are advisory bodies:

(i) Evaluation Unit; 
(ii) Teaching Committee; 
(iii) Student consultation.



To be Confirmed


STURENT for ACM is a service in support of the students of the Costume & Fashion Academy looking for accommodation in Rome.

All housing proposals are available on the bulletin board inside the Academy and on the web page of Sturent Roma .


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