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What are the eligibility tests that students need to give for higher education abroad?

Are you planning to study overseas and looking for admissions at universities in Australia Canada, UK, New Zealand , USA ?

Normally, for abroad studies , students have to give tests or exams such as  IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, GRE, GMAT or SAT.

Our expert counselor can also provide you guidance on the tests that you need to take, starting with in-person coaching for IELTS. Your english language skills by looking at your IELTS or TOEFL test scores by many overseas universities assess. There are few universities take their own in-house English language test.

If you wish to study at the postgraduate or graduate level in the United States , you will have to practice for the GRE test. Our team will help you with our suggestions and recommendations, in  getting a clear idea and information about the test. To get into US Universities at the undergraduate level students need to appear for the SAT . Clearing the SAT test is all about being well prepared. If you are thinking of studying an MBA abroad, then you will have to get the GMAT scores.


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